Through the swift and marvellous increase in its membership;
through its faithful and uncompromising adherence to both the spiritual and
administrative principles of the Faith it so nobly serves; through the
multiplication of its administrative centres from the Atlantic to the Pacific
seaboard; through the steady consolidation of its local and national Funds
designed to sustain its ever-unfolding activities; through the spirit
consistently manifested by the small yet eager and valiant band of its pioneers
and administrators; and more recently through the official recognition
providentially accorded the body of its national elected representatives by
both chambers of the Legislature in that Dominion—an act wholly unprecedented
in the annals of the Faith in any country, in either East or West—this
vigorous, divinely sustained, resistlessly advancing community, has not only
fulfilled the expectations and hopes that greeted its birth, but set a
brilliant example to its sister communities in both the Eastern and Western
- Shoghi Effendi (From a message dated 19 June, 1949 to the NSA of Canada;
‘Messages to Canada’)