
September 23, 2021

Shiraz - June 1845: The “most unusual spectacle” of the Báb marching “before His escort, which followed Him in an attitude of respectful devotion”

The Báb straightway resumed His journey to Shíráz. Free and unfettered, He went before His escort, which followed Him in an attitude of respectful devotion. By the magic of His words, He had disarmed the hostility of His guards and transmuted their proud arrogance into humility and love. Reaching the city, they proceeded directly to the seat of the government. Whosoever observed the cavalcade marching through the streets could not help but marvel at this most unusual spectacle. Immediately Husayn Khán was informed of the arrival of the Báb, he summoned Him to his presence. 

- Nabil ('The Dawn-Breakers', translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)