(The Baha'i World 1950-1954)
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December 28, 2018
December 27, 2018
Baha’u’llah explains to Nasiri’d-Din Shah circumstances in Iraq resulting in His and His companions’ application for Ottoman citizenship
By the leave and permission of the King of the Age, this
Servant journeyed from the Seat of Sovereignty [Tihran] to ‘Iráq, and dwelt for
twelve years in that land. Throughout
the entire course of this period no account of Our condition was submitted to
the court of thy presence, and no representation ever made to foreign powers.
Placing Our whole trust in God, We resided in that land until there came to
‘Iráq a certain official [1] who, upon his arrival, undertook to harass this
poor company of exiles. Day after day, at the instigation of some of the
outwardly learned and of other individuals, he would stir up trouble for these
servants, although they had at no time committed any act detrimental to the
state and its people or contrary to the rules and customs of the citizens of
the realm.
Fearing lest the actions of these transgressors should
produce some outcome at variance with thy world-adorning judgement, this
Servant despatched a brief account of the matter to Mírzá Sa‘íd Khán [2] at the Foreign
Ministry, so that he might submit it to the royal presence and that whatever
thou shouldst please to decree in this respect might be obeyed. A long while
elapsed, and no decree was issued. Finally matters came to such a pass that
there loomed the threat of imminent strife and bloodshed. Of necessity,
therefore, and for the protection of the servants of God, a few of them
appealed to the Governor of ‘Iráq. [3]
December 23, 2018
December 20, 2018
December 16, 2018
1949: Third South American Teaching Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Baha’is representing seven participating South American
countries and the United States gathered at the site of the Third South
American Teaching Congress, January 1949, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
(The Baha'i World 1946-1950)
(The Baha'i World 1946-1950)
December 12, 2018
December 10, 2018
1925: First Dutch Baha’i arrived at the World Center
Yesterday a Dutchman arrived here from Port Said, the first
Dutch Bahá’í, so far as we know. He has been a sincere and earnest truth-seeker
for years. About 9 months ago he left his home at the Hague and walked on foot
through Belgium, France and Italy. Then he felt some inward urge to go to
Egypt, and travelled thither by a Dutch Cargo Steamer. When the steamer arrived
at Port Said Mahmood Effendi, one of the Port Said Bahá’ís came on board and
was introduced to Mesdag (the Dutchman). They struck up a friendship at once
and after 2 days Mesdag went to live in Mahmood’s house. There he met Martha
Root, Mr. Schopflocher and various other Bahá’ís, read my book [Dr.
Esslemont’s: ‘Baha’u’llah and the New Era’] and became thoroughly interested
and seems now already a firm believer. He has already, since his arrival
yesterday morning, translated our 8-page folder into Dutch and we hope he will
be able to do much to make the Cause known in Holland and win adherents there.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated May 9, 1925, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an
individual believer; ‘Arohanui: Letter from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand’)
December 4, 2018
‘Abdu’l-Baha provides some ancient historical information about a portion of the planet
If one travel in the central desert of Asia, he will observe
how many cities as great and populous as Paris or London have been ruined. From
the Caspian Sea to the River Oxus naught is to be seen save forlorn and
deserted prairies and deserts. The Russian railway (the Trans-Caspian R. R.)
takes two days and two nights to traverse the ruined cities and destroyed
villages of that desert. There was a time when that land was very populous and
in the highest state of civilization and development; science and knowledge
were wide spread, the arts and professions established, commerce and
agriculture were in the utmost state of perfection, and civil government and
politics well organized.
Now, all this great region is the habitation of desolation
and shelters only the' nomadic Turkoman tribes and the wandering beasts of
prey. The cities of that land, as Gorgan, Tassa, Abiavard and Shahrastan, were
once famous in the world for sciences, knowledge, professions, wonders, wealth,
greatness, happiness and virtue. Now, no voice or murmur is to be heard in all
that land save the roar of ferocious brutes, and naught to be seen save the
wandering wolves.
This ruin and destruction was occasioned by the battles and
murders of the wars between Iran (Persia) and Turkan…
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a
Tablet; ‘Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 9, August 20, 1915)
November 28, 2018
The Báb sent two messengers to Muhammad Shah, the King of Persia – one messenger with “a truly resplendent Tablet”, and another with “epistles” revealed by Him
This is an Epistle from Him Who is the true, the undoubted
Leader. Herein is revealed the law of all things for those who fain would heed
His Call or wish to be reckoned among them that are guided aright. Herein is
enshrined the law of all things for such as would bear witness to the
Revelation of thy Lord in accordance with this clear balance. Verily the
ordinances of God concerning all things were formerly set forth in eloquent
Arabic. Indeed those whose souls have been created through the splendor of the
light of thy Lord recognize the Truth and are numbered with such as faithfully
obey the One True God and are well assured.…
O Muhammad! The Decree of thy Lord was fulfilled four years
ago; and ever since the inception of the Cause of thy Lord I have warned thee
to fear God and not to be of the ignorant. I dispatched a messenger unto thee
with a truly resplendent Tablet, but the followers of the devil turned him away
disdainfully and interposed themselves between him and thee. They expelled him
from the land whereof thou art the undisputed sovereign. Thus hath the good of
this world and of the next escaped thee, unless thou submit to the commandment
ordained by God and be of them that are rightly guided.
November 20, 2018
circa 1847:The Báb challenged the King of Persia, Muhammad Shah, to summon all the divines so He could prove the truth of His Mission
![]() |
Muhammad Shah |
- The Báb (From an Epistle to Muhammad Shad; ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)
November 12, 2018
November 8, 2018
1946: First South American Baha'i Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 2, 2018
October 28, 2018
1972: Number of worldwide localities where Baha’is reside reached 56,645
14 February 1972
To all National Spiritual Assemblies
(Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963-1986’)
October 23, 2018
The “conclusion of the Primitive, the Apostolic Age of the Faith of Baha'u'llah”
With 'Abdu'l-Baha's ascension, and more particularly with
the passing of His well-beloved and illustrious sister the Most Exalted Leaf --
the last survivor of a glorious and heroic age -- there draws to a close the
first and most moving chapter of Baha'i history, marking the conclusion of the
Primitive, the Apostolic Age of the Faith of Baha'u'llah. It was 'Abdu'l-Baha
Who, through the provisions of His weighty Will and Testament, has forged the
vital link which must for ever connect the age that has just expired with the
one we now live in -- the Transitional and Formative period of the Faith -- a
stage that must in the fullness of time reach its blossom and yield its fruit
in the exploits and triumphs that are to herald the Golden Age of the
Revelation of Baha'u'llah.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a message dated 8 February
1934, printed as ‘The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah’ in ‘The World Order of
October 19, 2018
October 14, 2018
October 10, 2018
Delivery of Epistles to "the several rulers and crowned heads of the world" – Baha’u’llah explains
From Our Most Great Prison We were moved to address to the
several rulers and crowned heads of the world Epistles in which We summoned
them to arise and embrace the Cause of God. To the Shah of Persia We sent Our
messenger Badi', into whose hands We entrusted the Tablet. It was he who raised
it aloft before the eyes of the multitude and, with uplifted voice, appealed to
his sovereign to heed the words that Tablet contained. The rest of the Epistles
likewise reached their destination. To the Tablet We addressed to the Emperor
of France, an answer was received from his minister, the original of which is
now in the possession of the Most Great Branch. To him We addressed these
words: 'Bid the high priest, O Monarch of France, to cease ringing his bells, for,
lo! the Most Great Bell, which the hands of the will of the Lord thy God are
ringing, is made manifest in the person of His chosen One.' The Epistle We
addressed to the Czar of Russia, alone failed to reach its destination. Other
Tablets, however, have reached him, and that Epistle will eventually be
delivered into his hands.
- Baha’u’llah (Quoted by Nabil in ‘The Dawn-Breakers’, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)
- Baha’u’llah (Quoted by Nabil in ‘The Dawn-Breakers’, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)
October 1, 2018
Persia: September 1848 – First time that the combined forces of the civil and ecclesiastical powers started a systematic campaign against the Bábís
One of Tehran's gates, circa 1920s |
- Shoghi Effendi (‘God
Passes By’)
September 24, 2018
September 16, 2018
1934: Last day of Tarbiyat school and the shocking effect of its closure on 1500 students – excerpt from a letter by Clara and Adelaide Sharp from Tehran
The closing of the school was a great shock although we had
expected that it might happen. The Bab’s Martyrdom in this country is kept by
the Arabic calendar and came this year on December 6. ... Saturday afternoon a
policeman came with an order from the Board of Education to close the schools.
They said Tarbiyat had been closed for no reason Thursday and the license for
Tarbiyat School existed no longer. The order came after school had been
dismissed and there was no time to tell all the children, so Adelaide and her
assistant went to school the next morning at 6:30 A.M., before the policeman
could get there, and as the children came to enter the school they had to be
turned back. This was very hard as many of the little ones did not understand
and called to Adelaide to tell the policeman to let them in, and many cried.
... The Baha’i children have not gone to other schools. ... The Muhammadan
children of course went to other schools but they are not satisfied and happy.
Tarbiyat School was far ahead of the other Persian schools, in their text
books, character training and everything else. All the schools say this. The
educated Muhammadans are with the Baha’is. One important Muhammadan said he
knew it was a Baha’i School when he sent his children there and said that was
no reason for closing the school. ... We had many of the best families in town
sending their children and they are feeling very badly about it. There were
nearly 1500 pupils in both schools and about 50 teachers. ... This has
advertised the school and called attention to the Cause and what they are
working for more than anything else that could have happened. ... Shoghi
Effendi has written for us to be patient and not make any disturbance but
persevere and keep trying to gain religious liberty, that the school will again
open and things will be better than ever.
(Baha’i News, no. 96, December 1935)
September 11, 2018
September 6, 2018
Progressive unfoldment of the Bábi Revelation
…[in 1844] the Author of the Bábí Revelation had declared
His mission to Mullá Ḥusayn in the privacy of His home in Shíráz. Three years
after that Declaration, within the walls of the prison-fortress of Máh-Kú, He
was dictating to His amanuensis the fundamental and distinguishing precepts of
His Dispensation. A year later, His followers, under the actual leadership of
Bahá’u’lláh, their fellow-disciple, were themselves, in the hamlet of Badasht,
abrogating the Qur’ánic Law, repudiating both the divinely-ordained and
man-made precepts of the Faith of Muḥammad, and shaking off the shackles of its
antiquated system. Almost immediately after, the Báb Himself, still a prisoner,
was vindicating the acts of His disciples by asserting, formally and
unreservedly, His claim to be the promised Qá’im, in the presence of the Heir
to the Throne, the leading exponents of the Shaykhí community, and the most
illustrious ecclesiastical dignitaries assembled in the capital of Ádhirbayján.
- Shoghi Effendi (‘God Passes By’)
September 5, 2018
circa 1935: Mount Carmel
View taken by Miss Effie Baker to show the general area of
land surrounding the Shrine which has come under Baha’i ownership and control.
(Baha’i News, no. 97, January 1936)
September 3, 2018
On closing of Tarbiyat schools in 1934 by government – the Guardian explains
With regard to the closing of the Tarbiyat Schools: the
school authorities have, in enforcing the observance of Baha’i anniversaries,
acted on the advice and direction of the Guardian. These Schools, being
independent and official Baha’i institutions, could not very well ignore, much
less violate the express provisions and laws of the Aqdas. Had they any
connection with government institutions, or had their ownership and control
been shared by non-Baha’is, the situation would have been different. This
distinction between institutions that are under full or partial Baha’i control
is of a fundamental importance. Institutions that are entirely managed by
Baha’is are, for reasons that are only too obvious, under the obligation of
enforcing all the laws and ordinances of the Faith, especially those whose
observance constitutes a matter of conscience. There is no reason, no
justification whatever, that they should act otherwise, and any restriction
should also take into consideration the rights and interests of their
non-Baha’i partners and associates, and not to force these to stop working when
they are under no moral or religious obligation to do so.
August 29, 2018
August 28, 2018
Total number of National Spiritual Assemblies as of Ridvan 1983 --> 135
Among the outstanding features of the teaching and
consolidation work are the continuing effective results of the participation of
more than sixteen thousand believers from all parts of the world in the five
International Conferences; intensive teaching campaigns carried out with the
active support of all levels of the community and drawing upon the enthusiasm
and capacity of Baha'i youth; the establishment of a second radio station in
South America; the re-formation of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Uganda
and Nepal, and the establishment of nine new National Spiritual Assemblies, two
of which will be elected during the month of May this year, bringing the total
of these secondary Houses of Justice to 135.
- The Universal House of Justice (Ridvan 1983 message of the
Universal House of Justice)
August 25, 2018
1979-1982: Passing of five Hands of the Cause
Enoch Olinga (1979), Rahmatu'llah Muhajir (1979), Hasan A
Balyuzi (1980), Abu'l-Qasim Faizi (1980), Adelbert Muehlschlegel (1980), and
Paul Haney (1982).
(Adapted from explanatory notes included in ‘Messages from
the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)
August 20, 2018
July 1957: Establishment of “a spiritual axis, extending from the Antipodes to the northern islands of the Pacific Ocean”
...The emergence of a new Regional Spiritual Assembly in the
North Pacific Area [1], with its seat fixed in the capital city of a country
which by reason of its innate capacity and the spiritual receptivity it has
acquired, in consequence of the severe and prolonged ordeal its entire
population has providentially experienced, is destined to have a preponderating
share in awakening the peoples and races inhabiting the entire Pacific area, to
the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, and to act as the Vanguard of His hosts in their
future spiritual conquest of the main body of the yellow race on the Chinese
mainland -- the emergence of such an assembly may be said to have, at long last
established a spiritual axis, extending from the Antipodes to the northern
islands of the Pacific Ocean -- an axis whose northern and southern poles will
act as powerful magnets, endowed with exceptional spiritual potency, and
towards which younger and less experienced communities will tend for some time
to gravitate.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a message dated 19 July 1957 to the
National Spiritual Assembly of Australia; ‘Letters from the Guardian to
Australia and New Zealand’)
[1] National Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia, with its
seat in Tokyo, Japan.]
August 15, 2018
August 14, 2018
Some dates associated with three Baha’i Houses of Worship: Ishqabad, India, and Australia
Construction of the first Baha'i House of Worship in
'Ishqabad, Russia, began in 1902 and was completed circa 1921. The House of
Worship in India is near New Delhi; it was dedicated 23-27 December 1986. The
House of Worship in Australasia, outside of Sydney in Ingleside, was dedicated
on 16 September 1961.
(Explanatory notes included in ‘Messages from the
Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)
August 12, 2018
February 12-18, 1953: Hands of the Cause attending the First intercontinental Baha'i Conference in Kampala, Uganda, Africa
Left to right: Musa Banani, Valiyu'llah Varqa, Shu'a'u'llah
'Ala’i, Mason Remey, Horace Holley, Tarazu'llah Samandari, Dhikru'llah Khadem,
Leroy Ioas, Dorothy Baker, 'Ali-Akbar Furutan. The Kampala Haziratu'I-Quds is
in the background.
(The Baha’i World 1950-1954)
August 8, 2018
April 1934: First National Baha’i Convention in Iran - First National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Iran
This Ridvan will go down in the history of Baha’i Persia
because during the feast days the first national Baha’i Convention met in
Tihran and elected the first National Assembly of Persia, with 84 delegates
present from all over the country. Friends in the West will appreciate what
achievement such a gathering represents in a country where travel is still a
considerable adventure and where even a brief stay in the capital entails a
long absence from home.
The delegates made their headquarters at the
Haziratu’l-Quds, where the Central Assembly and the Service Committee had made
the necessary arrangements for their reception; all kinds of furniture, beds,
tables and the like had been requisitioned from Baha’is throughout town, and
the fact that the delegates were in a sense the house guests of the Tihran
friends added to the pleasure of the Convention. Many of the local friends
entertained the delegates, both at the Haziratu’-l-Quds and at their homes; the
social aspects of the Convention were highly important because the Persian
friends of different centres cannot communicate with one another with the
frequency enjoyed in the West. A significant event of this Convention was the
sending of representatives by the four women’s committees to report to the
delegates and submit their program for the coming year.
The members of the National Assembly are as follows:
Jenabi Fazel Mazandarani.
Haji Ghulam Reza Amin Amin.
Mirza Valiullah Khan Varqa.
Dr. Yunis Khan Afrukhtih.
Mirza Shuaullah Khan Alai.
Mirza Ahmed Khan Yazdani.
Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Froutan.
Mirza Mahmud Khan Badiyi.
Mirza Enayatullah Ahmed Poor.
(Baha’i News, no. 86, August 1934)
August 6, 2018
Teachers sent to America by ‘Abdu’l-Baha
The following is the list of the four teachers whom the
Master sent to America in order to spread the Cause.... Their names are as
follows: ‘Abdu’l-Karim, Haji Mirza Hasan, Mirza ‘Abdu’l-Fadl and Mirza
- Shoghi Effendi
(From a letter dated December 14, 1933, written on behalf of Shoghi
Effendi to the NSA of the United States and Canada; Baha’i News, no. 81,
February 1934; also a note in Baha'i News, no. 83, May 1934)
August 1, 2018
Countries Opened to the Faith of Baha'u'liah from 1844 to 1921 – by Shoghi Effendi
Listed alphabetically:
Period of the Báb's Ministry (1844-1853)
- Iraq
- Persia
Period of Bahá'u'lláh's Ministry (1853-1892)
- Adhirbayjan
- Armenia
- Burma
- Egypt
- Georgia
- India
- Israel
- Lebanon
- Pakistan
- Sudan
- Syria
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
Period of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Ministry (1892-1921)
July 27, 2018
July 24, 2018
The Báb orally assured some of His followers that they would personally meet Baha’u’llah
Some of His disciples the Báb assiduously prepared to expect
the imminent Revelation. Others He orally assured would live to see its day. To
Mulla Baqir, one of the Letters of the Living, He actually prophesied, in a
Tablet addressed to him, that he would meet the Promised One face to face. To
Sayyah, another disciple, He gave verbally a similar assurance. Mulla Husayn He
directed to Tihran, assuring him that in that city was enshrined a Mystery
Whose light neither Hijaz nor Shiraz could rival. Quddus, on the eve of his
final separation from Him, was promised that he would attain the presence of
the One Who was the sole Object of their adoration and love. To Shaykh
Hasan-i-Zunuzi He declared while in Mah-Ku that he would behold in Karbila the
countenance of the promised Husayn. On Dayyan He conferred the title of
"the third Letter to believe in Him Whom God shall make manifest,"
while to Azim He divulged, in the Kitáb-i-Panj-Sha'n, the name, and announced
the approaching advent, of Him Who was to consummate His own Revelation.
- Shoghi
Effendi (‘God Passes By’)
July 21, 2018
July 16, 2018
July 10, 2018
July 1, 2018
June 24, 2018
First Baha’i in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dorothy Sheets was the first Bahá’í to declare her belief in
Bahá’u’lláh in Calgary. She later pioneered to Regina, Saskatchewan and to
Newfoundland. Dorothy passed away in 1997.
(Adapted from the Footnotes included
in ‘Messages to Canada’)
June 19, 2018
1923: First election of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of England
The first meeting of the elected “National Spiritual
Assembly” took place in London on 13 October 1923.
(Footnote to a message from
Shoghi Effendi to 'The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful
throughout London, Manchester and Bournemouth, care of the members of the
National Spiritual Assembly, 17 February, 1923'; ‘Unfolding Destiny’)
June 15, 2018
1939: First pioneer to Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Doris Skinner, a Bahá’í from Vancouver, was the first
pioneer to Calgary in 1939, until 1949, when she pioneered to Newfoundland.
(Adapted from the Footnotes included in ‘Messages to Canada’)
June 12, 2018
Siyah-Chal (The Black Pit) of Tehran – a depiction
Upon Our arrival We were first conducted along a pitch-black
corridor, from whence We descended three steep flights of stairs to the place
of confinement assigned to Us. The dungeon was wrapped in thick darkness, and
Our fellow prisoners numbered nearly a hundred and fifty souls: thieves, assassins
and highwaymen. Though crowded, it had no other outlet than the passage by
which We entered. No pen can depict that place, nor any tongue describe its
loathsome smell. Most of these men had neither clothes nor bedding to lie on.
God alone knoweth what befell Us in that most foul-smelling and gloomy place!
- Baha'u'llah (‘Epistle to the Son of the Wolf’)
June 11, 2018
1939: First pioneer to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Beulah S. Proctor, an American believer, was the first
pioneer, with her daughter, to Halifax in 1939. She died 1958.
(Adapted from
the Footnotes in ‘Messages to Canada’)
June 7, 2018
19th Century Persia: System used for surnames
In times past the people of Persia had no surnames, but in
many instances they were known by the name of the district, city, town, or even
the village from which they came: for example, Khurasani, Mazindarani, Tihrani,
Isfahani, and Shirazi. There were also various honorific prefixes and suffixes
by which a person was distinguished. A descendant of the Prophet Muhammad had
(and has) the prefix of 'Siyyid'. At times, 'Mirza' took the place of 'Siyyid',
and at times the two were used together. 'Mirza' by itself did not denote any
particular ancestry, except when placed after a proper name to mark royal
descent. The suffix 'Khan' served at one time as a title, but with passing
years, it became merely honorific, even meaningless, and at no time was it a
surname. The prefix 'Haji' or 'Haj' indicated then, as now, one who had made
the pilgrimage to Mecca. Mashhadi and Karbila'i, as prefixes, marked pilgrimage
to Mashhad or Karbila, but as suffixes pointed out nativity. There were also
innumerable titles conferred by the sovereign in Iran, consisting of diverse
combinations, sometimes ludicrous, sometimes grammatically impossible.
Occasionally they indicated a definite rank and profession. As time passed,
these titles multiplied absurdly, until they were swept away by legislation in
the 1920's. Finally, a person was often distinguished from others by a
combination of prefixes and suffixes attached to his name which, if omitted,
might cause him to be taken for another Person.
- H.M. Balyuzi (‘The Bab The
Herald of the Day of Days’)
June 1, 2018
1982: Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf - The five international conferences of the Seven Year Plan
The five international conferences of the Seven Year Plan
were called to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the passing of the
Greatest Holy Leaf, to discuss anew the present condition of the Faith in a
turbulent world society, to examine the great opportunities for its future
growth and development, and to focus attention on the unfulfilled goals of the
Plan. We are certain that the contemplation of the gathered friends on the
sterling qualities which distinguished the heroic life of the Greatest Holy
Leaf will help them to persevere in their noble endeavours.
- The Universal
House of Justice (From a message to the International Conference in Canberra,
Australia, 2, September 1982; ‘Messages from the Universal House of justice
May 22, 2018
2001 - The Inauguration of the International Teaching Center Building on Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel
14 January 2001
To the Conference Marking the Inauguration of the
International Teaching Center Building
Dearly loved Friends,
We are filled with a sense of triumph as we reflect on the
significance of the occupation by the International Teaching Center of its
permanent seat on the Mountain of the Lord. This occasion marks the beginning
of what future generations will regard as a splendid chapter in the annals of
our Faith.
What joy that the Hands of the Cause of God ‘Alí-Akbar
Furútan and ‘Alí-Muḥammad Varqá are able to participate in these proceedings!
We acknowledge the great debt of gratitude owed to them and to the departed
ones of their exalted rank for so much of what we have come to celebrate.
And how fitting it is that the Continental Counselors and
their deputies from the five continents are here to witness such an auspicious
beginning! The attendance of the Auxiliary Board members is so unusual a feature
of the gathering that we are impelled to address our remarks particularly to
them. Indeed, on no occasion in the past have the major constituents of the
institution of the Counselors ever assembled in the Holy Land.
May 6, 2018
May 2, 2018
Delegates to the 12th International Baha’i Convention in Haifa – April 2018
Some 1,300 delegates representing 166 countries.
April 29, 2018
April 26, 2018
1932: The first Local Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is in North America becomes incorporated
Under date of February 16, 1932, incorporation papers were
filed with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, to meet the
requirements of the Illinois State laws for religious organizations. We quote
the following paragraph which was used as an introduction to the Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws:
“The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Chicago adopts
this form of corporate association in order to supply proper legal status to
its conduct of the affairs of a religious community, which has had continuous
existence for thirty-six years, and continuous organized existence since 1901
A.D., in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, being the
first local Baha’i community established in North America. During the period
from 1901 to the present date the Spiritual Assembly has been recognized,
encouraged and instructed in nineteen Tablets and letters addressed to it by
’Abdu’l-Baha. This first Local Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is in North America
was vested with the responsibility of founding the first Baha’i Temple --
Mashriqu’l-Adhkar -- in the Western Hemisphere, until the organization of a
National Body in 1909 A.D. The Spiritual Assembly was visited by ‘Abdu’l-Baha
three times in the year 1912, during His sojourn in North America. The
Spiritual Assembly has been recognized since the Ascension of ’Abdu’l-Baha in
letters addressed to it by the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith. The Chicago Baha’i
community has been continuously and uninterruptedly represented by delegates in
the Annual Meetings held by the recognized National Baha’i body of North
America, since the foundation of that body in 1909 A.D. The Spiritual Assembly
is at present enrolled in the list of Local Spiritual Assemblies recognized by
the National Spiritual Assembly.
“The members of the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of
Chicago have taken this action in full unanimity and agreement. They
acknowledge for themselves and on behalf of their successors the sacred meaning
and universal purpose of the Baha’i Faith, the teachings and principles of
which fulfill the divine promise of all former religions.”
(Baha’i News, no.
60, March 1932)
April 21, 2018
April 17, 2018
Lawh-i-Hawdaj (Tablet of the Howdah) – possibly the first Tablet revealed by Baha’u’llah after He left Baghdad
Bahá'u'lláh on many occasions had warned His companions of
their fate and of the calamities which would befall them in future. Now He
predicted dire afflictions in the Lawh-i-Hawdaj (Tablet of the Howdah) revealed
in Arabic in the port of Samsun on His way to Constantinople. At the request of
His amanuensis, Mirza Aqa Jan, He revealed this Tablet as He sighted the Black
Sea from His howdah. As far as we know this was the first Tablet revealed by
Bahá'u'lláh after He left Baghdad. In it He referred to the forthcoming voyage
by sea and stated that it had been foreshadowed in the Tablet of the Holy
Mariner. Thus he linked the Tablet of Hawdaj with the Holy Mariner and
mentioned that the study of these two Tablets would enable the believers to
understand the mysteries of the Cause of God and become strong in faith. The
dire predictions already foreshadowed in the Tablet of the Holy Mariner would
come to pass, He affirmed, and He further warned His companions of the
'grievous and tormenting mischief' which would assail them from
every direction, and would act as a divine touchstone through which the faith
of every one would be severely tested and truth separated from falsehood.
Probably few among His companions realized that this
'grievous and tormenting mischief' would emanate from Bahá'u'lláh's own
half-brother Mirza Yahya, precipitating a crisis of enormous proportions within
the community, or that he would become the embodiment of man's rebelliousness,
the centre of all the forces of darkness, who would arise to battle with the
light of God's Supreme Manifestation.
- Adib Taherzadeh (‘The Revelation of Baha'u'llah vol. 2’)
April 16, 2018
1931: Tablet of the Báb Found in British Museum
I think the friends will be interested in hearing of our
finding the Star Tablet of the Báb.
A year ago, while in London, Wanden La Farge and I went
every day to the British Museum to compile a list of original Baha’i
manuscripts. Each morning at ten o’clock we knocked on the little hidden door
of the Oriental room. An iron bar was pulled back from within and we found
ourselves in the midst of impressive Oriental scholars completely absorbed in
poring over ancient manuscripts. So deep and profound was the silence that, to
ask for what was necessary, one was obliged to lower the voice to a shadowy
whisper. After several days of cataloging and not being able to find any trace
of the Tablet to Queen Victoria, the head of the department suggested that we
might ask for an interview with the Curator of the Museum. This was a special
privilege which was granted, the Director receiving us with the utmost
cordiality and showed a lively interest in our quest. He assured us that the
Tablet we so specially sought had never been in the British Museum, but that,
after the death of Prof. E.G. Brown, his heirs had sent one original Baha’i
manuscript to the Museum. This, however, was not written by either Baha’u’llah
or ‘Abdu’l-Baha so it might not be of value to us at this time. This news was a
great disappointment until he added, “It is in the hand of ‘Ali Muhammad, the
Báb.” At this unexpected and wonderful news we asked if it was possible to see
it. It is too valuable to be on view, he replied, but I will send for it. It
proved to be a single sheet of heavy vellum inscribed in the delicate
handwriting of the Báb, illuminated in exquisite colors and so written as to
form a star.
April 12, 2018
Johanna Sorensen – The first Baha’i in Denmark
“The Danish people are fine in calibre and have some new and
very good ideas about education and culture for the masses,” writes Miss Martha
Root, who reached Copenhagen, Denmark, on April 28, 1927. Miss Johanna
Sorensen, a beautiful Baha’i and the first believer in Denmark, had arranged a
splendid program of events. April twenty-eighth, the two Baha’is visited the
three largest newspapers and explained about the Cause to the editors and gave
them literature. Miss Sorensen had translated into Danish and published “What
is the Baha’i Movement” and “Baha’u’llah and His Message,” both by Dr.
Esslemont and these attractive booklets were a great help. English books were
also given and a photograph of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Three articles appeared during the
week, a woman writer came to the hotel and next day published an interview.
Books were placed in the Royal Library which is Denmark’s greatest library. A
letter was written to the King and Queen and Crown Prince of Denmark and left
with three Baha’i books at the palace. Their Majesties were not in Denmark at
this time.
(Baha’i News, no. 19, August 1927)
April 8, 2018
Dr. August Forel – how he heard about the Faith
Yesterday, I [Martha Root] spent the day with our glorious
Baha’i brother, Dr. August Forel, the European scientist, at his home in
Yvorne. You cannot imagine the importance of his influence in Europe and in
other continents! Though he is now such an invalid, still he is always thinking
of the Baha’i Cause and doing something to promote it. I was astonished at what
he thought of yesterday and he actually wrote it and sent it! Still, the rest
of us may find courage in the fact that Dr. August Forel first heard of the
Teachings from his son-in-law Dr. Arthur Brauns who first knew of the Cause
from a Baha’i lecture which Mr. William Herrigel, I think, gave in Carlsruhe,
Germany. If we faithfully keep on “giving the Message”, this truth of
Baha’u’llah will illumine the world. It was Peter and James and John’s
faithfulness which brought the divine civilization of Christianity to the
western world.
- Martha Root (Baha’i News, no. 32, May 1929)
April 6, 2018
April 5, 2018
1927: First Baha’i Funeral Service in the East
From Miss Effie Baker, at the American Pilgrim House, Haifa,
we learn the significant fact that the services held to observe the passing of
Mirza Mohsen Afnan were entirely Baha’i without admixture of Moslem elements --
the first entirely Baha’i funeral service to be held in a Moslem environment.
Thus slowly but surely the Cause asserts itself as an independent Religion
founded upon new laws and teachings and giving rise to new customs and
observances not reflecting superstition and man-made tradition.
(Baha’i News,
no. 19, August 1927)
March 29, 2018
March 26, 2018
Milosh Wurm – The first Baha’i in Czechoslovakia
…Milosh Wurm, the first to become a Baha’i in
Czechoslovakia, the first to publish a Baha’i book in Czech language and the
first to promote these Teachings in his country.
(Martha Root, Baha’i News, no.
32, May 1929)
March 25, 2018
March 20, 2018
1927: Baha’i books were presented to the President of German Republic and other officials during a visit by Martha Root
A letter dated February 20, 1927, from Martha L. Root states
that she has visited and given public lectures in sixteen cities in Germany.
Shoghi Effendi had told her if she could visit all the Baha’i centres in
Germany it would be very good… She was one of the speakers at a Peace Society
meeting when five hundred people were present.
“The Promulgation of Universal Peace” was presented to
President von Hindenburg of the German Republic. The following letter of thanks
was received:
“The President of the German Republic tenders his best
thanks for the book The Promulgation of Universal Peace, which was presented to
him. The President has had the book forwarded to the library of the Foreign
Other Baha’i books were presented to Dr. Gustav Stresemann,
chief of the Foreign Office; Dr. Loebe, President of the Reichstag, and books
were sent to Mr. Bronislaw Huberman, the great violinist. Mr. Huberman wrote
that he would study them.
Miss Root further wrote that she felt there was no city in
the world more important for Baha’i teachers to visit than Berlin. If some very
scholarly Baha’i teacher could go and live for one year in Berlin as Mirza
’Abul’ Fazl came to the United States, it might mean that a thousand great
teachers would eventually go out from Berlin.
(Baha’i News, no. 19, August
March 15, 2018
1927: Third National Baha’i Convention of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada was held in Montreal, Canada
The invitation of the Montreal Spiritual Assembly, extended
by them for three successive years, and twice graciously withdrawn in favor of
Green Acre and San Francisco, has been gratefully accepted by the National
Assembly, and the friends are informed that the Nineteenth Annual Baha’i
Convention and Congress will be held in that city during Ridvan. The exact date
and other details will be announced at a later time. Meanwhile we should not
overlook two significant facts: first, that the forthcoming Convention will be
the first held in Canada; and second, that with the fulfilment of the Baha’i
number, nineteen, a new spiritual cycle will unfold in the history of the Cause
in America.
(Baha’i News, no. 14. November 1926)
March 13, 2018
Fall of 1925: The first issue of “The Herald of the South” magazine is published for Australia and New Zealand
From Auckland, New Zealand comes the first issue of a newly
established Baha’i magazine for Australia and New Zealand. Its title is “The
Herald of the South” and this constructive service on the part of our Australian
and New Zealand brothers contains every evidence of wide-spread future success.
It is issued by Mrs. A.E. Dewing, 5 Aldred Road, Remuera, Auckland. New
(Baha’i News, no. 8, November 1925)
March 9, 2018
Summer of 1849 to summer of 1850: “one of the most glorious chapters ever recorded” in the bloodstained history of the Bábí Faith
The… year from the summer of 1849 to the summer of 1850,
witnessed a number of signal events in the ministry of the Báb:
- May 1849 had marked the termination of the eleven-month-long Mazindaran upheaval at Shaykh Tabarsi and the martyrdom of Quddus, the last Letter of the Living and the foremost disciple of the Báb.
- Persecution of the Babis erupted with unprecedented ferocity in the opening months of 1850:
- In Tihran occurred the episode of the Seven Martyrs.
- In Yazd, Siyyid Yahyay-i-Darabi (Vahid) became embroiled in agitation against the Faith of the Báb and had to leave, but in Nayriz (in the province of Fars in the south of Persia), he and his companions were surrounded, and fell eventually to treachery on the part of his opponents.
- At Zanjan, in the north, the Shi'ih 'ulama incited the people against the redoubtable Mulla Muhammad Ali (Hujjat), a conflict that was to continue to the end of the year, with an outcome equally tragic.
- Finally, the Báb, Himself, was martyred in July 1850 in Tabriz.
March 4, 2018
Baha’i community in the United States – as of Sept. 2015
There are about 175,000 Bahá’ís in the United States (less
than one percent of the nation’s population), residing in more than 9,000
localities. The makeup of the faith’s adherents is very diverse. The largest
communities are in California, Georgia, Illinois, South Carolina, and Texas.
There are Bahá’í communities in every state.
(From ‘Information about the
Bahá'í Faith for Funeral Directors’, a document available at US National website)
February 28, 2018
1921 to about 1946: World convulsions synchronized with Plans of the Faith
The series of world convulsions with which the Plans
synchronized included World War II, the outbreak of which threatened the
security of the World Centre itself. The German Baha'is faced grave danger
throughout the Nazi period; their activities as a community were banned, and
some of their members were killed. Instances of crises within the Faith were
those instigated by the relatives of Shoghi Effendi who rebelled against his
authority as Guardian of the Cause of God and were ultimately expelled from the
Faith as Covenant-breakers. Also troublesome during the 1930s and 1940s were
the activities of a former secretary to 'Abdu'l-Baha, Ahmad Sohrab, who also violated
the provisions of Baha'u'llah's Covenant and was expelled from the Faith by
Shoghi Effendi.
(Source: footnote to a message from the Universal House of
Justice to the friends gathered at the Baha'i International Conference in
Montreal, 5 September 1982; Messages from the Universal House of Justice
February 25, 2018
Victories by North American Baha’is include…
Foremost among the victories won by the North American
Baha'is during the first and second Seven Year Plans (1937-44 and 1946-53) was
the establishment of the Administrative Order in Central and South America and
Europe. The North American Baha'is have also played a major role in
establishing the Administrative Order in Africa, Asia, and Australasia.
(Source: footnote to a message from the Universal House of Justice to the
friends gathered at the Baha'i International Conference in Montreal, 5
September 1982; Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986)
February 22, 2018
February 17, 2018
Mirzá Muhammad-Báir - the first in Mashhad, Persia, to embrace the Cause of the Báb; - builder of Bábíyyih, the first Baha’i center; designer of structural reinforcement of Fort Tabarsi; lieutenant and trusted counsellor of Quddús
Mírzá Muhammad-Báqir, known as Haratí, though originally a
resident of Qayin. He was a close relative of the father of Nabíl-i-Akbar, and
was the first in Mashhad to embrace the Cause. It was he who built the
Bábíyyih, and who devotedly served Quddús during his sojourn in that city. When
Mullá Husayn hoisted the Black Standard, he, together with his child, Mírzá
Muhammad-Kázim, eagerly enrolled under his banner and went forth with him to
Mázindarán… It was Mírzá Muḥammad-Báqir who acted as the standard-bearer of the
company, who designed the plan of the fort, its walls and turrets and the moat
which surrounded it, who succeeded Mullá Husayn in organising the forces of his
companions and in leading the charge against the enemy, and who acted as the
intimate companion, the lieutenant and trusted counsellor of Quddús until the
hour when he fell a martyr in the path of the Cause.
- Nabil (‘The
Dawn-Breakers’; translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)
February 14, 2018
Mulla Husayn’s brother and nephew were both among the Letters of the Living – they were martyred at Fort Tabarsi
Mírzá Muḥammad-Báqir, the nephew of Mullá Husayn. He, as
well as Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥasan, accompanied Mullá Ḥusayn from Bushrúyih to
Karbilá and from thence to Shíráz, where they embraced the Message of the Báb
and were enrolled among the Letters of the Living. With the exception of the
journey of Mullá Husayn to the castle of Máh-Kú, they continued to be with him
until the time they suffered martyrdom in the fort of Tabarsí.
- Nabil (‘The
Dawn-Breakers’; translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi)
February 12, 2018
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