O King! We heard the words thou didst utter in answer to the
Czar of Russia, concerning the decision made regarding the war. [1] Thy Lord, verily, knoweth, is informed of
all. Thou didst say: “I lay asleep upon my couch, when the cry of the
oppressed, who were drowned in the Black Sea, wakened me.” This is what We
heard thee say, and, verily, thy Lord is witness unto what I say. We testify
that that which wakened thee was not their cry but the promptings of thine own
passions, for We tested thee, and found thee wanting. Comprehend the meaning of
My words, and be thou of the discerning. It is not Our wish to address thee
words of condemnation, out of regard for the dignity We conferred upon thee in
this mortal life. We, verily, have chosen courtesy, and made it the true mark
of such as are nigh unto Him. Courtesy is, in truth, a raiment which fitteth
all men, whether young or old. Well is
it with him that adorneth his temple therewith, and woe unto him who is
deprived of this great bounty. Hadst thou been sincere in thy words, thou
wouldst have not cast behind thy back the Book of God, when it was sent unto
thee by Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise. We have proved thee through it,
and found thee other than that which thou didst profess. Arise, and make amends
for that which escaped thee. Erelong the
world and all that thou possessest will perish, and the kingdom will remain
unto God, thy Lord and the Lord of thy fathers of old. It behoveth thee not to
conduct thine affairs according to the dictates of thy desires. Fear the sighs of this Wronged One, and
shield Him from the darts of such as act unjustly.