
September 20, 2016

February 1925: American Baha’is assist Persian believers -- Flood destroyed 500 Baha’i homes in Nayriz

On February 6, the National Spiritual Assembly received the following cablegram from Shoghi Effendi: “Flood destroyed 500 Baha’i homes in Nayriz. Grave disaster. May America contribute her share.” In response to this urgent appeal, the National Treasurer transmitted to Shoghi Effendi by cable within a few days, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars. Telegrams were immediately sent to the ten largest Assemblies asking them to make a special contribution to the National Fund by wire, if possible, in behalf of our Persian brothers and sisters. Up to February 22nd, nearly three thousand dollars had been received.

In addition to these telegrams, a letter was sent to the other local Assemblies in order that all the friends might share in the privilege of coming to the assistance of the homeless Baha’is.

As the result of this action we feel sure that several thousand dollars additional will be received by the National Fund, and the total amount which will eventually be placed at the disposition of Shoghi Effendi will not fail to be a clear evidence of the spirit of helpfulness and also the deep sense of gratitude to the Persian Baha’is that exists among the American friends. Believers not members of any local Assembly are invited to contribute according to their means to this special fund. Not less valuable than the amount of our material assistance will be this unified expression of instant and cordial sympathy between two countries whose spiritual connection is so significant in this new age. On February 14th the National Spiritual Assembly received from Shoghi Effendi this acknowledgment of our contribution: “Both transfers received. Deeply appreciative.” 
(Baha’i News, no. 3, March 1925)