
September 6, 2015

September 2014: Colombian Temple's design unveiled

The design for the local Baha'i House of Worship in the Norte del Cauca region of Colombia was unveiled Sept. 14 at a meeting held at the site designated for its construction in the small community of Agua Azul. Eduard Lopez, speaking on behalf of the team of architects working on the project, told an audience of 500 that over the previous several months in Norte del Cauca, the team had visited communities and groups, listened to their ideas and thoughts about the House of Worship, striven to understand their aspirations, and participated in their community-building activities. They also studied the natural surroundings and the architecture of homes in the region. "People tell us that we are designing this House of Worship. But it is actually all of you who have designed it, and we are channeling your ideas," he said.  

The presentation was preceded by a traditional Colombian dance and a number of songs performed by the community. "It was a moment we have been waiting for months," explained Nilma Aguilar Vilas, who was born on the outskirts of Puerto Tejada, few miles from the Temple land. 
(The American Baha’i, November-December 2014)