
February 17, 2015

The great expansion of the Faith at the end of the Nine Year Plan – April 1964 to April 1973

  • 113 National Spiritual Assemblies
  • 17,000 Local Spiritual Assemblies
  • 69,500 localities worldwide
  • Bahá'í literature was translated to 571 languages – a gain of 225 from 1964
  • The Faith acquired: 63 more Temple sites, 56 additional National Haziratu'l-Quds, and 62 more National Endowments bringing the total numbers of these properties to 98, 112 and 104 respectively.
  • As of April 1973 there were 50 Teaching Institutes and Summer and Winter Schools and 15 Baha’i Publishing Trusts
  • The Mother Temple of Latin America was built and dedicated during the Nine Year Plan
  • 90 National Spiritual Assemblies and 1,556 Local Spiritual Assemblies were incorporated
  • Bahá'í Holy Days were recognized in 64 countries
  • Bahá'í marriage certification was recognized in 40 countries
  • 3,553 pioneers left their homes during the Plan --2,265 of whom were still at their posts in April 1973.