
October 16, 2011

First Baha'i wedding in Scotland without a civil ceremony

The newly-acquired Baha'i Center in Edinburgh, Scotland, was the scene Saturday, June 10, of the first Baha'i wedding ever to take place in Scotland without a civil ceremony. The bride, is Pamela McClure, the groom Brian O'Toole. Both are from Glasgow. The wedding officer, one of three Baha'is in Scotland authorized to carry out weddings, was Surgeon-Commander John More-Nisbet of Edinburgh. Since this was the first non-Christian or non-Jewish marriage ceremony to be recognized in Scotland, news of it was published in one national, two Scottish and one local newspaper. BBC Radio-Scotland even recorded and broadcast a part of the ceremony and gave an, accurate outline of the Faith. Three weeks after the wedding Brian O'Toole pioneered to Guyana were he soon was joined by his wife. 
(Baha’i News, January 1979)