
July 28, 2011

The second Asian Baha’i Women’s Conference, India, October 1977

More than 1,000 Baha'i women from all over Asia, with observers and speakers from Europe and America, gathered at Vigyan Bhavan Auditorium in New Delhi, India, October 13-16, 1977 for the Asian Baha'i women's conference.The presence of the Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum as the most distinguished guest and principal speaker for the event was a source of great joy and happiness for the believers. Ruhiyyih Khanum shared with the gathering a cablegram, sent in December 1930 by Shoghi Effendi to the first Asian Women's Conference: “convey to Indian Asian women's conference behalf Greatest Holy Leaf and myself expression our genuine profound interest in their deliberations. May Almighty guide bless their high endeavour." 
(Baha’i News February 1978)